How to Manage your Finances as a Newly Married Couple

Are you and your significant other ready to tie the knot? One of the biggest issues in a marriage can be disagreements over handling finances. How do you navigate different opinions and situations that will need decisions to be made in? We will walk through some of the things that I have learned in my marriage that has helped us grow and trust each other more.

  1. Get a joint bank account- In my opinion, this is a crucial step to building trust between you and your partner. When you are trying to have a successful marriage, you need need to get rid of any thinking that you each have your own possessions. Once you are married, all your things become each others especially your money. Use this as a tool to help you provide transparency to each other.
  2. Collaborate with each other before making big purchases- This was one of the harder lessons I had to learn when starting out. When you are so used to making decisions by yourself, it makes it difficult to ask your significant other ESPECIALLY if you know they wont agree with your decision. Growing trust between each other does help resolve some of these issues, but there will always need to be some compromise to make things work.
  3. Provide Open Transparency to Spending by using a Budget- We have 2 tools at the Finance Hustler that you can use to set you up for success. The first is our Proactive Budget Planning Calculator. This will help you determine how much you will both be able to spend each week. Once you BOTH agree to a reasonable goal, strive to achieve it and keep track to see if you have met your goals. You can do this through our Budget. It is fully customizable to your needs and who you spend your money through.